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Join Us


Any person legally resident in Bermuda, physically fit, of sound mind and who has a clean criminal record may apply to join the Regiment. 

You can join at any time during the year, however, recruit training his usually held during the last two weeks of February and the first two weeks of July. The cutoff for joining each intake is during the third week of January and first week of May respectively.  

Complete this form to start the recruitment process:

Join Us


Complete Forms Online. We will contact you and provide you with a link to register for an account to complete the signup process. You will need to provide your social insurance and passport information, and compile your work and education histories.

Attend Recruit Assessment Day. Once you have completed the online application you will be invited to attend an assessment day at Warwick Camp. This will include:

Providing Documentation.

Proof of a Bermuda Dollar bank account – a Bank Statement or Bank Card (HSBC only)

A valid Passport.

If you are a work permit holder you will need to bring a copy of your work permit, and a letter from your employer supporting your application.

Sign Forms. You will sign Police Vetting and Bermuda Government Address Book Forms.

Attend a Medical. You will undergo a medical with the Regiment doctor who will determine your fitness for military service.

Attend a Board Interview. You will be interviewed by a board of three soldiers and asked generic questions. 

Complete Fitness Test. You will need to give your maximum effort on the Multi-Stage Fitness Test (beep test), and maximum effort on push-ups and sit-ups over a two-minute period.

Assessment. You will complete an online psychometric assessment (an assessment of aptitude, motivation potential, and personality).

Offer and Attestation. If successful, you will be extended an offer to join.  You will then report to Warwick Camp to complete the attestation. Your name will be published on Part One Orders and you will be a soldier of the Regiment.