Royal Bermuda Regiment Band

The Royal Bermuda Regiment Band and Corps of Drums provides musical support to the marching troops of the Royal Bermuda Regiment. Additionally, the Band supports the Government of Bermuda on state ceremonial functions, the Bermuda Community at civic, cultural, and corporate events and the international community, by invitation, at military band tattoos, showcases and other performances.

Musical capabilities include: Symphonic Wind Band, Corps of Drums, Brass Ensemble, Rock/Pop Band, Fanfare Trumpeters, Woodwind and Brass Quintets.


The Regiment Band is recruiting right now. For more information about joining the Royal Bermuda Regiment as a musician, please contact the Band Office. Tel: 246-7127 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Develop yourself musically with qualifications throughout your career.
  • Enjoy the camaraderie of a military lifestyle.
  • Earn while you rehearse and perform, with your pay raising as you promote through the ranks.
  • Service personnel are paid monthly. Additionally, musicians will be paid on the conclusion of the Annual Camp.


The Royal Bermuda Regiment parades on four occasions each year led by the Band and Corps of Drums: The Peppercorn Parade, The King’s Birthday Parade, The Remembrance Day Parade and The Convening of the Legislature Parade. The Regiment also parades for the arrival and departure of our Commander in Chief, Her Excellency the Governor, and on the rare occasion of the Trooping of the Colours. The band performs the Beating the Retreat Ceremony during May, June, and July.

Band Officer (BO) is responsible for the good order, musical training and general wellbeing of the Band and Corps of Drums. 

Band Officer: Captain SE Fox

Platoon Sergeant: Colour Sergeant AT Stones, EM

Drum Major: Sergeant KL Richardson, EM