Our Disaster Management Plan can be found here.
Emergency Measures Organisation Operations
The Royal Bermuda Regiment (RBR) is mandated to assist the civil authorities in the event of a major disaster (either natural or man-made) befalling the island. The Government of Bermuda uses the Emergency Measures Organisation (EMO) to coordinate government departments, utility services and private agencies to protect and preserve the community and its property prior to, during and after disasters.
The Commissioner of Police may at any time, through the Executive Committee of the EMO, request the Governor to embody (in part or in whole) the RBR to provide support as necessary for the relief and recovery of the community.
Specific Regiment capabilities for EMO operations include pioneers (light engineering tasks with chainsaws, tarpaulins and shoring), transport (vehicles and small boats), first aid, communications, and additional disciplined labour. In the context of a hurricane, the likely Regiment tasks involve recovery operations which commence after the highest winds have abated to safe levels although specific tasks (such as joint Bermuda Police Service (BPS)/Regiment Reassurance and Anti-Looting Patrols) may commence prior to hurricane force winds striking the island.
Though our disaster response plan focuses primarily on the most likely threat – that of a major hurricane – the possibility of a tsunami affecting the island is not to be ruled out. The National Disaster Coordinator (NDC) is leading with the Tsunami Action Plan and once it is released this DMP will include relevant details of procedures where necessary.
State of Emergency
If a state of emergency is declared the Regiment may be granted expanded powers in support of the Bermuda Police Service.